Fluffy clouds descend from the top of the website

Youniverse Huevember

Youniverse Huevember is a publication of all of the initial concept art of my comic series titled "Youniverse" The series highlight comes beings known as remnants who help prevent the collapse of the universe. The imagery featured in this publication has since been turned into a product that has sold several copies.

Why Youniverse?: Youniverse has been a personal passion project of mines for quite some time. It started when the pandemic began in 2020 following the completion of the huvember project. I've always enjoyed telling stories and I wanted to be able to hone my skills in product design to work consistently on a project while showcasing my illustration and color theory.

Product: Print Production

Role: Art Director/ Product Designer

Target audience: Adults 18-35 within the LGBTQAI+ community

Book design process

The Huevember publication was designed as 8" by 8" square saddle stitch booklet that is a 16 page signature, 32 pages total. This publication features the initial conceptual work for the webcomic series "Youniverse"

Huevember Days

I challenged myself to create an illustration using one color, or hue,  for 30 days straight. This project was designed to feature initial concept art for my original character Astrid as she navigates her way through the cosmos. The imagery featured in this section would become the concept for the webcomic series known as "Youniverse".

Illustrations are featured in hue order across the rainbow

Initial Sketches

Rainbow of illustrations

Promotional illustrations

After the huevember illustrations, I also included the promotional art and character designs that

With the launch of this publication as a webcomic, I designed various promotional materials for social media to advertise when the series' episodes updated.

Character designs

Here are the character designs for Youniverse in its current episodes. I selected a few characters from the Huevember Challenge to start out the series.

Youniverse's brand guidelines

Youniverse's brand colors are monochromatic to balance out all of the vibrancy in the illustrations and comic-work.


Youniverse is featured on Webtoon.com and to continue to promote the series and future event, I designed promotional cards for social media.

UX/UI design elements

Youniverse Series Homepage was designed to create a user experience to help viewers easily navigate to current episodes of the series.

Youniverse has it's on webpage where all of the current episodes are featured.

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