Fluffy clouds descend from the top of the website

LifeQuest Ad

Possible Project would focus primarily on showcasing organ donation in a positive and engaging light in an animated format:

Showcasing the good of this subject matter through animated sequences is how we will make this project stand out. 

This project will also stand out by creating easy to use assets for the individual LifeQuest team member uploading the project.

Target Audience: Young adults

Why LifeQuest?: LifeQuest reached out to the UNF Design department to help promote organ donation. I collaborated with two other students (Sophia Nyuen and Neil Marichal) and did the storyboarding and illustrative assets for the motion graphics

Company Name: LifeQuest Organ Recovery Services

Product: Motion Graphics and social media assets

Role: Project Manager

Target audience: Teenagers and young adults

Final Motion Graphic


Storyboarding and script were developed by me. Working along side out team we discussed who would animated what scene concepts were developed

Illustration were designed to be universal and be non discriminatory Not only were assets designed for the motion graphic, but illustrations were also created for social media purposes as well.

Additional branding assets

In order to distinguish posts made by life quest each social media was designed with the organization’s brand colors in mind. These assets were designed to help the social media department use these assets salon with Canva.

Social media advertisment

I designed more illustrative assets for Lifequest's social media to help promote awareness.

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